Wow! And for only $20! Comparable site will charge you $20 for one or two speeches, not twenty plus everything else they offer! I didn't quite believe the offer, so I decided to check them out.
Here's what I found: they're 100% legitimate. Everything that they promise is true. Their refund rate is under 1%, unheard of for an internet site. Every month they post new emails people send to them (with permission). Here are a couple of quotes.
I would highly recommend the Wedding Speech 4U program as it comes with so many samples of speeches given by others that it is virtually impossible to not come across a speech that closely resembles what you want to say and the feelings you want to convey.
When I purchased the Wedding Speech 4U program I knew I would also be getting an additional 10 speeches and ideas for wedding showers and/or bachelorette parties. The ideas were useful, current, humorous and very helpful and I passed these on to the people responsible for the planning of these additional festivities. - Maid of Honor Lynda Eldridge
Wow! Great product, it's worth every penny. I was the best man for my friends wedding and I totally forgot about the toast till the day of the wedding when the groom reminded me. I literally had about 2 hours before the wedding to prepare my speech, I was sweating bullets, so I did a quick Goggle search and yours was the 1st site I opened. I quickly paid the $19.95 and instantly went to the pre-written speeches, I copied and pasted parts from the 1st five speeches. Then I spent about 15 minutes editing this information to fit my occasion and wah-la. I had a perfect speech for the wedding. I spent a total of 45 minutes preparing this speech. - Rick Saunders
This whole package will only cost you $20. All instantly downloadable and available to you right on the computer.
If you want to prepare a good wedding speech, I highly recommend checking out They deliver.