Maid of Honor Speech Tips

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Your friend is getting married! These maid of honor speech tips from other readers and users help answer the question: as maid of honor, what should you say?

  • "As a maid of honor, you are either related to or a good friend of the bride. Maids of honor thus often get a chance to speak at weddings. A few tips:

    1. Don't complain about the dress until after the bride has left. Your job is to support the bride. If the dress is ugly, that is to make the bride look extra beautiful that day, so suck it up and don't say it. Especially not in the speech.

    2. You can say he's a good catch and will be a great husband. Avoid saying he's sexy.

    3. If you did anything at the wedding shower or bridal shower or stag party that you don't want immortalized on film and tape, don't say it at the wedding. Better yet, never say it unless alone with the bride.

    4. Making fun of the groomsmen is fine. Relatives of the bride are off limits as targets.

    5. Jokes about you getting (or not getting) married next are acceptable. Jokes about the bride divorcing the guy are not."

  • "The maid of honor's speech must be from the heart. The maid of honor should include a funny and/or heartwarming memory about her friendship with the bride. The maid of honor should never include crude humor in her speech."

  • "Do not mention anything about your sister's past boyfriends. No one wants to be reminded about a relationship gone bad, and the last thing a groom wants to think is about another man with his wife. Do not call your sister anything rude, even teasingly. It will probably make her mad and she will remember it forever. Plus, if someone is recording it, you will always be remembered as the rude maid of honor. Make sure you do not drink too much before the speech. Some people forget what they were going to say, some people turn mean, and no one wants to see you vomit during the speech. Let the bride know if you are nervous and maybe she will let someone stand with you while you make the speech."

If you still don't know what to say after reading these maid of honor speech tips, I recommend heading over to Maid of Honor Speeches by Wedding Tips 4U. Their instantly downloadable books give you professionally written speeches that you can use, take you step-by-step through writing your own speech, teach confidence-building techniques, and a lot more. I highly recommend checking them out.

Happy speaking!
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