Bridesmaid Wedding Speeches
Speeches & Toasts Delivered in Minutes

It is unfortunate that bridesmaid wedding speeches are sometimes overlooked. That is not to say the speeches are outright dropped from the festivities as much as they are not as anticipated as other speeches. Again, this is a very unfortunate oversight.

When done properly, a highly memorable speech can be delivered from the maid of honor. All that is needed is the right topic and the right approach to the speech.

Now, this is not necessarily easy. A bridesmaid may not have a background that encompasses speechwriting. That is fine. As long as the basic precepts of what comprises bridesmaid wedding speeches are adhered to the end result will be a nice speech that is highly memorable.

What is needed in order to develop truly excellent speeches? Basically, the more personal and poignant the speech is then the more memorable it will be. The bridesmaid is a close friend of the bride. Surely, there will be some nice stories to share which could aid in crafting a truly excellent speech. This is not a "heavy" speech and it is not intended to be cerebral. It is intended to be short, to the point, and provide nice musings over the bride and groom.

So, what can be considered a few of the better bridesmaid wedding speeches? Here is a brief look at some of the most common speeches you will frequently hear:

  • The way in which the bridesmaid and the bride met is a common theme to these speeches. These stories can be even more fun to listen to when the meeting occurred during childhood.
  • A few helpful words of advice to the bride and groom are commonly well received. As long as the advice is not overbearing and is instead light hearted, the advice will be very well received.
  • Relaying how you met the groom can also be a nice speech and it can be even better if there is a humorous side to the tale. Just be sure the humor does not come at anyone's expense as this would not be appropriate for the occasion.
  • For those that are spiritual minded, a speech or component of a speech that touches on this might prove to be a nice touch.
  • Mentioning how beautiful the soon to be married couple looks and how perfect their union is an old standby and it never loses its appeal. While this may hardly be considered a complex topic, it does present the sentimental feel that a perfect wedding speech should embody. Then again, all the good wedding speeches maintain a marvellous sense of simplicity to their themes.
  • Of course, you can mix and match all the aforementioned elements into a single speech. This could create a "composite speech" that covers a lot of ground.

Those that may be a little stuck on coming up with a pleasing bridesmaid speech may wish to seek help from which is among the best online sources of all different kinds of speeches.
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