Hey everyone, I'm Devin R. Bean and I run Speech-Time.com. Hope you enjoy the site. Read on and I'll tell you a little bit more about myself and how I got into public speaking and websites.
My earliest public speaking opportunities came when I was just a child. As a member of the Mormon church, I had the opportunity to give short talks when I was just a child. My peers and I had the same opportunity growing up: first just talking with others our age, and then in front of whole congregations (the church has no paid clergy, so every Sunday regular members have the opportunity to give talks to the congregation).
Then came high school. I joined the debate team. And really enjoyed it. We weren't just judged on arguments, but also on presentation, skills, and style.I've learned a lot since then. Hopefully you can learn and benefit from it, too. If you have a passion you'd like to share with others, check out Site-Build-It, SBI.