Graduation Speech Ideas

Graduation speech topics you can use.
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What are you going to say at graduation? Here are 10 graduation speech ideas to help you write that important speech.

  • Friendship. It's a typical graduation speech topic, but a good speech on friendship is a good tear-jerker for any graduation.
  • How to remember names at the reunion 20 years later. Use this topic for a bit of a twist on the typical friendship speech.
  • The importance of __ minutes. Insert the amount of time your speech is suppose to take up into the blank. Then talk about what could happen in that amount of time. Show how moments (such as graduation) matter.
  • The insignificance of __ minutes. As a twist on the topic above, talk about how no one will remember your speech. Make the point that what you say really won't matter. Then say something that matters.
  • How to find a job. Most graduates will be worrying about this one. Give some practical advice along with the jokes.
  • Shared experiences. Make certain you're not just talking to certain groups of people, but rather to the student body as a whole. Give everybody one last taste of school comraderie.
  • Quotations. One brilliant speech I heard was made almost entirely out of quotations from popular music at the time. Though the topic was typical, the speech was not.
  • Learning. Again, this topic has the potential to be cliche, but also potentional to be a great speech. How do you learn once you're out of school? What learning actually matters? (That final question is where you make your jokes and ensure that your speech is original.)
  • Engagement and apathy. What do you care about? What does your audience care about? What will they do now that they can choose whether or not they will care?
  • Choice. What are you going to do with your life? It's a typical topic, but you can give very atypical (and insightful) answers to make your speech unique.

Graduation speeches are special because they're part of the commencement of the rest of life. Use these graduation speech ideas to make that commencement meaningful.
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