by Shilo
Q: What is the best way to work toward a power projecting voice?
A: A very simplified answer is that before you can speak, you first must learn to breathe. We generally speak using upper lung breathing, a simple exhalation of air from our lungs that we don't even think about. Not too complicated and almost everyone does it! To project you must do what my drama coach called "tummy breathing." More correctly phrased, learn to expand your diaphragm (a strong muscle under your ribcage and above your abdomen) to in effect push the air up and out more forcefully, but controlled. The way to do this is practice and more practice. First, stand with your feet about shoulder width apart (don't lock your knees!) and with your back straight and head up. Practice tightening and loosening your upper abdominal muscles as you breathe, first without speaking, then with speaking as you exhale. As you do this, concentrate on enunciation. As you repeat this exercise, if done properly, your voice should become stronger and your breathing more controlled. Remember, this is a very simplified answer. If you will be making many public speeches, I strongly recommend at least one visit with a voice coach. Thank you for your question, and happy speaking!
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