10 Days to More Confident Public Speaking is a pretty big promise. Unfortunately, it's only metaphorical.
Unlike Speech-Time.com, the "10 Days" title refers more to the organizational structure of the book than to an actual time frame. The book is divided into ten sections, each of which will most likely take far more than a day to master. Further, the days aren't all about confidence, but rather about public speaking itself. This is more of a general public speaking advice book than one focused on building confidence. Nonetheless, a day is enough to start building confidence, and 10 Days to More Confident Public Speaking has some redeeming attributes.
Perhaps one of the best is specificity. Take, for example, the "Tips from the Experts: Best Ideas for Organization" section on page 25. The author talks in-depth about creating a filing and cross-referencing system, using either computers or hard copy. Later on, in the section entitled "Positive Performance: Effectively Structuring Your Speech Within the Alloted Time," the author speaks of recording your speeches and then gives a breakdown of typical time percentages each section of the speech should take up. These rules aren't hard and fast, but they are practical. This book is brimming with practical advice. For the beginning professional speaker, he even covers phone lines and seminar equipment storage and security.
Though it'll take more than ten days, this book has enough practical value to make it Recommended.