
by Anshul Aggarwal

If you want to master visual communication, this book is for you.

If you want to impress your audience with eye-popping slides, this book is for you.

If you want to break free from the Death By PowerPoint pandemic, this book is for you.

Ever since my copy arrived, I can’t put it down. I’ve carried it to and from work every day so I can read a few pages on breaks. It’s that good.

I highly recommend Slide:ology. It is destined to become a classic reference text for presentation skills

Slide:ology covers the whole visual presentation process, from concept generation to delivery. Examples and case studies abound throughout. The twelve chapters are:

  1. Creating a new slide ideology.
  2. Creating ideas, not slides.
  3. Creating Diagrams.
  4. Displaying Data.
  5. Thinking like a designer.
  6. Arranging elements.
  7. Using visual elements: background, color, and text.
  8. Using visual images.
  9. Creating movement.
  10. Governing with templates.
  11. Interacting with slides.
  12. Manifesto: The five theses of the power of a presentation.

There’s a lot to love about this book, and even more to learn. On top of the many presentation design lessons, Slide:ology teaches many lessons that apply to all speeches and presentations. It’s a beautiful and useful book. I recommend it highly. I know I’ve said this before, but this is a book you need. My favorite presentation book of all time. This is high praise, considering that Garr authored his own bestseller earlier this year.

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