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Speak Clearly with The Marble Technique!

Warning: Marbles May Present a Choking Hazard

Why does the Marble Technique work? Why will speaking with marbles in your mouth cure stammering and kick filler words? It clears your speaking on two levels:

1. Habit. Speaking is a habit we form at a very early age. As we get older, that habit can change (evidence rampant abuse of the word 'like,' especially in teenagers), but it nonetheless remains a habit. Marbles break down the habit of bad speech. They take the usual and make it unusual, 'reseting' the neural pathways in our brains and enabling clear speech through first conscious then unconscious attention.

2. Confidence. Anything you can say with marbles in your mouth you can say better without marbles, right?

Extra Tips for the Marble Technique:

  • Don't tuck the marbles in your cheeks, keep them front and center where you really need to work to speak around them.
  • Don't just let the marbles mess you up – beat them! Speak clearly, even with marbles!
  • As you get better, read faster.

Happy Clear Speaking!

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